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Neasha Hodge

Get It Done Services - Why Word of Mouth is Paramount in Growing Your Business

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

Tampa Handyman uses Word Of Mouth to boost his brand

Master Handyman, Isaac Dickerson is proof that word of mouth isn't dead. Over 90% of his business leads for Get It Done Services come from referrals. That's why Isaac chose a simple one-page lead generating website to capture his customers with ease.

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Word on The Street....

According to a Nielson study, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from their family and friends over other types of advertising. That is why it is so important that as a business owner you are always putting your best foot forward and delivering quality products and/or services. By doing so, it increases the chances of customers recommending your business to their network or as we like to refer to it in the marketing world, spreading positive Word of Mouth (WOM). In this article, we will be sharing with you why WOM is paramount in growing your business and ways to increase it.

3 Major Benefits of Word of Mouth

1. Low Cost : Many small business owners that do not have a large marketing budget can sometimes find it hard to compete with larger brands. If that is your situation, all is not lost. While you may not be able to invest as much as you’d like to on paid advertising, your brand can receive free advertisement organically through Word of Mouth (WOM).

2. Increases Brand Awareness: When customers are satisfied with your product or service and share it with others, they essentially become your brand ambassadors. Now that we are in this digital age, WOM which was traditionally spread via phone or in person, is now also online. Sharing experiences on social media platforms has now become the norm. Customers can tag your brand in their posts which increases your brand awareness and if you are lucky you can even go viral!

3. Builds Brand Trust: When a satisfied customer recommends your product or service, it helps build your brand credibility. People are more likely to patronize your business when someone they trust does. Also, with the growth of online review sites such as Yelp and Google My Business, the more positive review scores you receive the more credible your business is perceived to be.

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Tools To Increase Word of Mouth

Encourage customer reviews: As a part of your service delivery process, ask for customer feedback. For example, 1-2 days after your product/service has been delivered, send a thank you note to your customers, ask them to leave you a review and include a link taking them directly to your online review page. Be sure however to monitor and respond to all customer reviews so you can not only show appreciation, but also engage in service recovery if a guest wasn’t 100% satisfied.

Create a referral program: Referral programs are a great way to not only drive repeat business but to also gain new customers. You can set aside a small budget to reward your customers for providing you a referral. For example, a 10% discount on future service.

WOM is a great low-cost way to build brand awareness and brand trust that is often overlooked by businesses. Always aim to create a great service experience and encourage customer reviews and referrals so you can reap the benefits of WOM today!

We want to hear from you! How has WOM been paramount in growing your business?

Let us know in the comments below!

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